No Premier League manager seems willing to gamble £2.5m plus on Bobby Zamora - the kind of figure Albion want for him.

But if he stays, he's going to be extremely unhappy playing in Division Two and that would be bad for squad morale.

There is an answer: Albion should offer to loan him out to a Premiership club for a season.

Here's the deal: The Premier League club pays a flat fee, say £300-500K, for the season (this sounds a lot but the annual depreciation on a top-flight player is typically much higher in the Bosman era).

The borrowing club pays Bobby's wages, probably increasing the salary and offering bonuses etc.

For the money, the Premier League club get the services of a highly-rated young player desperate to prove his worth - and, at the end of the season, get first refusal on signing him.

By then we'll know if he can cut it in the Premier League. If he can, the Albion will get a decent price for him.

If he can't, we'll get him back at Withdean - hopefully for Division One.

In the meantime, we'll have £300-£500K - plus the equivalent of Bobby's wages - to pay for a replacement or two and to strengthen the squad.

A win-win situation, I think.

-Chris Hyde, Balham, London