I would like to congratulate Brighton and Hove City Council on the recent expansion of the city's re-cycling services.

As a resident of West Hove, I am privileged to be taking part in the council's pilot multi-material doorstep re-cycling scheme that started in April.

No longer do I have to lug heavy carrier bags of bottles and tins to the nearest re-cycling bank. I can simply put them in my green box and leave them on the doorstep for the council to take away.

The council should extend this great scheme across the whole city, investing in not only future waste management but also the protection of our valuable and finite resources.

Surely this makes more sense than spending millions on an incinerator to burn them and send them up in a puff of polluting smoke, leaving a residue of toxic ash that will still need to be disposed of.

It's such a shame that despite the council's intentions to increase re-cycling in our city, it still plans to build an incinerator at Newhaven which will create a huge demand for rubbish to feed it, therefore reducing the incentive to reduce and re-cycle our waste in the future.

-Clare Parrish, Hove