A Scout group facing closure when its headquarters was wrecked by vandals has been saved.

Members of the 19th Brighton Scouts (Kipling's Own) were devastated by the attack at Easter, in which all ten of the hut's windows were smashed, fire extinguishers were thrown across the room, crockery was smashed and light fittings ripped off the ceiling.

With the windows boarded up and most of the lights not working, half the hut has been in darkness since.

The group may have been forced to fold because it could not afford to cover the costs of the repairs.

But since The Argus highlighted its plight almost two weeks ago, the Scouts have been inundated with offers of help from businesses and individuals.

The Southdowns Rotary Club has offered to donate £500 to help repair the hut in Old Parish Lane, Woodingdean.

Rotary member Peter Reeve, from Pyecombe, said: "I have been involved in Scouting most of my life and was touched when I read the article in The Argus about this group.

"It was terrible bad luck and I wanted to do something to help. We have been fund-raising for local causes all year and it was decided £500 should be given to help rebuild the hut."

Woodingdean electrician Joe O'Hara, 38, has volunteered to repair the lighting at the venue for free.

His home overlooks the hut and he saw the damage caused by the vandals.

He said: "It was such a terrible shame. The kids love that place and there are not many other places for them to go in Woodingdean. I will do all I can to keep it up and running."

Woodingdean resident of 40 years Lionel Bennett has donated some glass panels to help repair the windows.

He said: "It's all about community spirit. Groups like this need support and it's about time we all came together to help them out."

Cub leader and mother-of-two Sarah Clark, 31, was overwhelmed by the response.

She said: "It is good to know people still care. I am confident we will not have to close, thanks to the offers of help."