In accordance with all good farces, Out Of Order featured non-stop opening and closing of doors, wrong identities and the dropping of a pair of trousers.

A Government Minister's attempt to indulge in a spot of adultery did not stand a chance once a dead body was found in his hotel room.

His hapless private secretary was called in to dispose of the body to avoid scandal and, from then on, mayhem broke out.

Hilarious high spots of the evening included the body being used as a ventriloquist's dummy and also as a dancing partner.

A hard-working cast extracted maximum humour from each twist and turn of the convoluted plot.

David Goodger as the wily waiter, always with his hand out for payment, stole virtually every scene he appeared in.

Equally impressive was Peter Thompson as the put-upon dogsbody trying to keep his minister out of trouble.

Review by Barrie Jerram,