Moves to reduce discounts to council tenants buying their own homes have been welcomed by city councillors.

Members of Brighton and Hove City Council's housing committee endorsed the decision, saying it will help relieve pressure on the city's social housing problems.

Councillor Francis Tonks said: "There are major housing problems here. Right to buy is no good if you don't have the right to build."

Green councillor Bill Randall said: "We think the crisis is so desperate we should stop the sale of council houses completely until it improves.

"It also discriminates against private tenants who get no discount."

Kemptown MP Des Turner has been lobbying deputy Prime Minister John Prescott hard to include the city in areas with discount restrictions.

He said: "Reducing the maximum discount on a council house purchase price to £16,000 means the desperately-needed social housing we have in the city will no longer fall prey to unscrupulous property developers exploiting the right to buy scheme.

"Tenants will still be given a fair reduction for their years of rent paid."