I write to reassure readers following Aiden Radnedge's article about goldfish at Worthing funfair (The Argus, July 4) and Ruth Larkin's letter (July 10) on the issue.

Not all funfairs offer goldfish as prizes but, for those that do, there are very strict rules in place from the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain (the trade association of the travelling funfair industry).

Ninety-eight per cent of operators belong to the guild and it enjoys respect from the courts and in both houses of parliament.

Animal welfare is its top priority and rules on the treatment of goldfish exist that stipulate conditions of their habitation prior to being won (special tanks must be used), once won and having been taken home.

These rules were crafted in conjunction with the RSPCA, which has issued guidance leaflets for this purpose, which are handed to winning fair-goers.

The simple, but practical instructions highlight the correct way to take the fish home (similar to that of aquaria and pet shops), as well as detailed information on care, feeding and housing thereafter.

The RSPCA address is also quoted for further consultation.

The evolution of funfairs has been successful through constantly assessing public tastes and with the strong leadership of the Showmen's Guild, continues to do so in a fair, just and humane way.

-Desmond FitzGerald Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Croydon, Surrey