Leisure centre bosses in Hove have imposed a ban on parents filming children there.

The owners of Westows say the ban is in line with centres run by Brighton and Hove City Council.

They are responding to concerns by some parents that films could be used by paedophiles.

But the ban is taking away real pleasure felt by parents in being able to picture their children taking part in football and playing.

No harm is likely to come to any child in the centre, where staff and parents are always present to keep an eye on them.

Unlike many council centres, it does not have a swimming pool in which children go around wearing only their costumes.

Paedophiles are highly unlikely to operate in a centre where there are so many concerned and watchful eyes.

It's a sad reflection on society that such a ban should even be considered. The managers of Westows, who are trying to be responsible, should abolish it in the name of common sense.