Voice of The Argus (September 19) claims there is "enormous" demand for an ice rink at Black Rock.

By what reasoning can you apply this remark to the whole community rather than a special interest group?

Age restricts the very act of skating to a minority activity.

As for spectators, I imagine there are an "enormous" number of council taxpayers who are not remotely interested in skating.

There may be a case for providing an ice rink for the comparative few in due course as part of a smaller, more sensible project.

But, in the meantime, the Spa Hotel and Winter Gardens proposal has the inbuilt protection for listed buildings in Kemp Town, which you indicate, so rightly, as being essential for any complex in the area.

In a month when reviewers have criticised our city's hotels as being tired and in need of a makeover, a Spa Hotel should be welcomed.

-Denis Christian, Kemp Town