I live on Guildford Street, a minute's walk from Brighton train station, and have a residents' permit to park in the area.

Over the last few years an increasing number of bays have been allocated away from residents and on to the voucher scheme.

This has happened to such an extent that there are no longer enough bays for residents in the area - despite the cost of buying a permit.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the wardens have taken to issuing tickets even to cars parked in paid-for residents' bays.

Their justification is that vehicles should be penalised for overlapping individual guide spaces within the residents' stretches.

This is clearly absurd because if one car overlaps then the others are necessarily forced to do so - or pay extra for a voucher space of which there are always plenty.

I walked up Guildford Road some time ago and every car - all with their residents' permits clearly visible and all within the boundaries of the "F" residents' bay - had been ticketed.

Surely this is something the council can't be allowed to get away with?

It seems like another example of sacrificing services in order to generate more revenue.

-Alex Wrenn, Brighton