Writer Julie Burchill has hailed Brighton glamour girl Jordan as a feminist icon.

Jordan, 25, is one of the favourites favourite to win the ITV show I'm A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here!

Almost a week into the programme, being filmed in the Australian jungle, she has infuriated John Lydon, former lead singer of the legendary Sex Pistols punk band, who called her talentless.

But Hove-based Julie Burchill said: "I love Jordan's breathtaking bluntness and lack of hypocrisy and her stoicism and complete lack of self-pity in an age when we are all encouraged to be neurotic cry-babies or to be condemned as 'in denial'.

"She seems to have been created by some mad feminist genius scientist. She has never made a life in the skin trade seem like a smiley, harmless romp, as Page Three girls traditionally have, but rather more like an endurance test.

"I have seen her a couple of times close up in the street in Brighton and when she is not pulling that ****-me face she's quite astonishingly good looking. All in all I think she is splendid."