Small businesses will no longer have to comply with the data protection act when using CCTV to deter criminals.

Spy camera equipment has fallen dramatically in price since 2000 and it is now widely used by traders to deter criminals.

But because of hugely complex data protection laws governing their use, many small businesses were using CCTV illegally.

Now the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), responsible for policing CCTV use, has made small businesses exempt from the act.

The Federation of Small Business South East Policy Unit has welcomed the ICO's announcement, made yesterday.

Flouting the code, which has 62 legally-enforceable laws and 32 points of good practice, had previously left businesses open to £5,000 fines.

Trevor Constable, the SEPU crime committee chairman, said the move was a "major victory" for small businesses which wanted to protect themselves from criminals.

He said: "The ICO decision will relieve the bureaucratic burden of complying with the code for tens of thousands of small firms."

Friday February 20, 2004