As a former regular of the very pleasant Continental no-smoking bar in North Street, I was disappointed when it closed.

However, I don't think the problem was with the concept but with the location. The premises have seen a succession of short-lived cafes, whereas in other locations, cafes seem to thrive.

It's always difficult to put your finger on the problem but, speaking as both a resident and also former retailer in the town, I have a gut feeling that there's something wrong with the bottom end of North Street as a cafe venue.

I also know, as a former retailer, how ridiculously high rents often are and how this can render otherwise viable businesses uneconomic. I can't help noticing what a high turnover of small shops there has been recently in the North Laine area, some changing hands two or three times in a very short period of time - a sure sign rents are at an unsustainable level.

Many pubs and cafes are so smoky they are avoided by the non-smoking majority. Don't the owners realise how many customers they're losing by allowing a minority to smoke?

I cannot understand how our food and hygiene laws permit the preparation and serving of food where smoking is allowed.

I hope other non-smoking venues will soon be established where we can enjoy a drink or food without having to suffer the stench and inconvenience of other people's smoke.

-Ray Ager, Brighton