Some cyclists must be colour blind and occasionally prone to deafness.

I have been getting more and more annoyed with those who constantly ride through red lights at crossings, particularly in Church Street when they go the wrong way down a one-way street as well as through a red light.

It can only be a matter of time before someone is hurt by this small but apparently growing band of idiots.

The most annoying example so far happened on August 26 while I was walking my disabled work colleague to a bus stop in North Street.

As we were waiting to cross while the lights were red and the beeps which are there to let blind and partially sighted people know it's safe to cross were sounding, a bike sped through.

Obviously that idiot did not have a thought for anyone who may have walked into his path. This act riled me and prompted this letter.

Perhaps someone can tell me what right these no-brains have to treat crossings this way. Red light means stop to everyone using the road.

I wish cyclists would learn this.

-Simon Melling, Brighton