by Emma Laurence

As you get ready to welcome in the new year, at home in your PJs or out on the town in your festive finest, we thought we’d share a few of our own resolutions with you. Fashion-related of course, but let’s not forget that what you wear is just another part of who you are and that is what all this is about after all.

This, dear readers, is a story of two halves — a new year fable if you will.

Part One: New Year’s Eve Eve

“Back on the Slim Fast already?”

“Yes, nice checkout lady,” thought I, “and can’t you tell I’m just beaming with delight as all around me are stocking up on more maris pipers and half price chocolate oranges?”

I’m smiling on the inside, really I am.

No, really. This year will be different. Now, I know you’ve heard it all before, and from your own fair mouth if you’re anything like me. But I think this time it really will. After three months of exhibiting almost saintly resistance to all things yummy and scrummy, I may have gone a little overboard this Christmas. But what’s done is done and I know from experience there’s very little point in berating yourself for it, unless you enjoy wallowing in a pit of your own despair, which we’re all entitled to occasionally.

So now that the last of the snow has melted away and the biscuit tin bears only the crumbs of Christmas past, I see no reason to prolong the inevitable. I’m starting my new year’s resolution early.

This year, though, there’ll be no expensive gym subscriptions or wheatgrass smoothies for me – I’m simply going to try that thing I’ve always turned my nose up at – a healthy diet and regular exercise. Now I’m as skeptical as the next yo-yo-er, but I’m also fed up with disappointment and have no desire to kick off 2010 with silly fantasies that I know will only end in tears.

And so, without further ado, here it is, my new year’s resolution: this will be the year I keep my feet on the ground.

A little lacking in sparkle perhaps, but I reckon I’ve got that covered with my brand new yellow Hunter wellies, courtesy of my lovely boyfriend. Not only will they brighten my day every time I look at them, but they will also provide the perfect incentive to get out into the countryside and get moving. Who says fitness can’t be fun?

Part Two: New Year’s Eve

And so the blog, just like the resolution, was complete and ready to be uploaded on my return from a quick new year mani-pedi. That was until, like an idiot, I dashed out of the car in flip-flops, not wanting to ruin my newly-painted toes, fell flat on my back, or should I say bottom, and ended up in A&E with a suspected lumbar vertebrae fracture — a broken bum to you and me.

Keeping my feet on the ground? You’ve got to love the irony.

Thankfully my post-Christmas posterior took the brunt of the fall and the doctor says all I need is pills and rest. I think he meant chocolate and wine, lots of it. Sorry Slim Fast.

If only I’d been wearing my wellies. Once I’m back on my feet, I swear they’re not coming off til Spring.

Ellie: "With January fast approaching, my New Year's resolution will be to haul my sorry self back to the gym and burn off that pile of minced pies I've been munching my way through since someone mentioned the word Christmas, way back in December. My other New Year's resolution, however, is to get greener. Although I have been known to recycle, my carbon footprint is still considerable and I feel it's about time I jumped on the planet-saving bandwagon. On the fashion front this means I will be endeavouring to buy more of my clothes second-hand, as well as ensuring all my unwanted clothes are jumble-saled, donated to charity shops or freecycled. I acquired this beautiful top from my mother this Christmas, who in turn was given it by her sister when she was throwing it out, over twenty years ago. This second-hand top is fast becoming a family heirloom as well as a fabulous party piece and with its sequins and 80s shoulder pads, it hits all the key trends this season."

Sarah: "While I’m most at home rummaging through vintage stores and charity shops, the fact remains I love a bargain and at £33.50 reduced from £120, this beautiful French Connection jumpsuit is just that. It’s exactly what I need to kick off my new year’s shopping resolution in style… This year I’ll be making an effort to check out all the high street shops I wouldn’t normally go into, particularly the more high-end stores which tend to have the best bargains in the January sales. But remember, just because it’s cheap does not mean it’s you!”

Happy New You SEE-sters, we hope we’ve encouraged you to try out a new trend or two this year and you see in 2010 in style.

Love, Emma, Ellie and Sarah x