I happened to be in Lewes taking photographs and when I looked at them one image caught my attention.

It was a plaque marking the birthplace of Dr Richard Russell.

I knew a little about him and that he – as the plaque proclaimed – was “the founder of Brighton as a bathing resort”.

But what really stood out was the date 1759, the year he died. It is of course 250 years ago this year.

Not living in Brighton I don’t know for certain but having done some online searching and found nothing it appears this anniversary has been completely overlooked by Brightonians. If that is the case, I find it extraordinary, not least a huge missed opportunity.

After all, if it were not for Russell’s recommendations that bathing in sea water could heal illnesses, Brighton as we know it might never have grown from what was then just a small fishing village.

If this has indeed been overlooked there are still a few months left in which to mark the good doctor’s passing.

Gary Marlowe, Viking Terrace, Littlehampton