I WOULD like to reply to Alan Moore’s letter, (The Argus, August 25), regarding council house rents.

I have lived in a two-bedroom council house in Hollingbury for over 50 years and my rent is well over £70 weekly, not the £24 or £34 he quoted for Moulsecombe.

Plus, I do not have new front or back doors, or a new kitchen, bathroom, shower, toilet and fences as he states they have in Moulsecombe.

Yes, I do have double-glazing and central heating, but that was fitted more than 20 years ago.

If Mr Moore so wishes, he is quite welcome to come over and look over my well-built, double-glazed, centrally heated abode but, please, let him get his facts right first, that all council house rents are not as low as he states.

Eileen M Homewood
Elsted Crescent