A bizarre row dubbed "bra wars" has broken out at Brighton and Hove City Council.

The council was due to stage a launch next week for a new charity bra recycling scheme.

A photoshoot involving councillors from each political party depositing unwanted bras in new bright pink recycling bins was being planned.

But the council yesterday said it had been forced to cancel the event following objections from the Liberal Democrat leader Paul Elgood – who said they did not want to take part because they only had two councillors, and neither was female.

As there is a by-election due in the Goldsmid ward in Hove on Thursday, July 27, the council is not permitted to carry out any publicity which does not equally represent all parties.

In a leaked email the council said: "Councillor Elgood has objected to it going ahead on the grounds that it would contravene purdah regulations on party political publicity in the run-up to local authority elections."

The cancellation was criticised by Green councillor Amy Kennedy, who had been due to take part along with Conservative Dee Simson, Labour's Gill Mitchell and Independent Jayne Bennett.

Councillor Kennedy said: "I am extremely disappointed about this, and feel that Coun Elgood might have waived his objections given the charitable nature of the project."

She posted details of the unusual row on her blog, under the title "bra wars".

Councillor Elgood yesterday said a conversation between himself and council staff had been misrepresented by the email and he had since received an apology.

He said: "I've no objection at all to it happening, I may even take part in it myself. It's an excellent initiative and I have full support for it. Any other indication is misleading."

The new Bra Banks, which will help raise money for breast cancer charities, have been installed with other recycling bins at the south side of The Level in Brighton.

The council declined to comment.