THREE years ago I rightly received three points on my driving licence for doing 38mph in a 30mph limit.

I paid my dues, £60, and received three points on my licence. In the DVLA’s leaflet, it said points can be removed after three years and I sent off the required £17.50 for this to be done. Now I have been issued a “new licence” with three points on.

In the new leaflet it says the points stay on for four years even though they are “spent” after three years so, in effect, the DVLA has £17.50 for issuing me a new licence I didn’t need and I will have to pay £17.50 again after the four years have expired to have another licence with the points removed. Where is the logic in this? Anyone else wishing for a clear licence should wait until four years have passed – not three.

Anita Bird
Old Shoreham Road, Southwick