A rare species of duck is facing extinction in the UK because the only two males left have fallen for each other.

New Zealand Blue Ducks Ben and Jerry are based at the Arundel Wetland Centre but have refused all attempts by staff to mate with a female duck.

They were both placed in the same enclosure together and since then have stayed together all the time, parading up and down their enclosure and whistling to each other.

A male bird will whistle with a female he wants to mate with.

Staff at the centre are disappointed that the birds are not willing to breed because they are so rare but are pleased the ducks are still healthy and happy.

Visitors to the centre over the Easter holidays have been flocking to see the pair.

Reception manager Verity Mason said: “The two of them are very happy together and are certainly attracting a lot of attention.

“They make a great couple.

“We've had loads of people coming in asking after them.”