I thought preparations for my first marathon were going too well.

Having sailed through five months of increasingly long prep runs without any problem I felt a soreness in my Achilles after a 13-miler last week which didn't settle down, as most niggles tend to do.

I tried to go for a run last Tuesday but had to turn back just a mile from home. All this in the same week I was scheduled to do my last big run - 20 miles.

The healing hands of my physio Carol seemed to do the trick and I ran four miles first thing on Saturday without any problem.

But later that day, climbing the steps to the press box at Altrincham football ground of all places, I felt it again. On Sunday I had to content myself with an hour on the cross-trainer at the gym after again aborting a run one mile in.

It feels fine today but I am seeing a specialist this week to get the full SP but I think there will be long periods of rest between now and April 26.

Fortunately, the miles I put in before 'proper' training started in the first week of January should pay off. Put it this way, if the race was tomorrow and I was 100% fit (or as close to 100%) I'm sure I would get round okay. Maybe not in the sub 4hrs 15mins I'd hoped but a respectable time anyway.

Watch this space....

Meanwhile, I cheered myself up by treating myself to a new pair of trainers from Up and Running in Horsham. I'd never had a proper analysis of my running gait before but a few steps up and down the shop floor confirmed to owner Mike what I already suspected - I'm flat footed and need extra arch support. It might explain why I've suddenly got this soreness in my achilles/heel.

Anyway, the new Mizuno (I thought they only made golf clubs) trainers fit perfectly and I can't wait to road test them soon. It might have been coincidence, but since I walked out of the shop I haven't felt any discomfort from my injury at all. Let's hope that's an omen.