Hundreds of Henfield residents and their children were in the High Street on Friday to celebrate the Spirit of Christmas.

Young children queued to visit Santa in his grotto in the bus shelter to raise funds for Henfield Youth Club, while carol singers attracted crowds around the Free Church.

The evening proved a great success as the threatened wet weather held off for a few hours.

“It was great to see a real community spirit,” said Linda Stokes, of Stokes Newsagents. “There were plenty of people out in the High Street to sample the barbecue food at Henfield Club and the hot chestnuts outside our shop.”

Truffles the bakers were giving out mince pies, while Hamfelds the hardware store gave mulled cider punch and snacks.

And at the other end of the High Street family bakers Barnards were doing a brisk trade in Christmas cakes.

“It was a really great evening,” said Christina Smith, one of the organisers, “with so many people volunteering to help.”

Emma Osman, who runs the village magazine (BN5), said: “We were delighted that so many people and their children were out enjoying the fairground rides provided by Shaylers and the various local charity stalls.”

Funds were raised for the Youth Club, St Barnabas Hospice and other local charities, with Christmas lights provided by the parish council, traders and Horsham District Council.