A council is asking members of the public not to abuse its staff.

West Sussex County Council has experienced an escalation of both verbal and physical abuse aimed at members of WSCC staff and highway contractors in recent months.

 Cllr Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “It completely baffles me that there are people who think it is acceptable to abuse our staff and those carrying out work on our behalf.

“I understand and appreciate that people are frustrated at delays caused by roadworks or at the speed of a pothole repair being completed, but to abuse the very staff who are there to rectify the situation just doesn’t make sense.

“In some cases, the abusive behaviour has resulted in people having to leave the site which then further delays the process.

 “I know that the majority of our residents understand and are patient with those who are out there in all weathers to keep our highways open and functioning. But there is a minority who think they have the right to abuse and threaten our staff.

“Let me be clear, they do not and we will not hesitate to take action against those who feel they have this right.

“Our staff, like all of our residents, have the right to work without fear of intimidation or threat and we will always support and protect them to ensure that they can do this.”