A Palestine solidarity group is planning to wrap a town hall in 165 metres of fabric to protest against the council's pensions investments.

Parents for Peace Worthing has announced on social media that they will be wrapping Worthing Town Hall in 165 metres of fabric, in the colours of the Palestinian flag.

The demonstration, planned to take place at 5.30pm today, has been organised to coincide with Worthing Borough Council's full council meeting.

At the meeting the group will ask Worthing Council to "investigate and disclose local government pension funds". They say they will ask the council to "divest from companies linked to Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank". 

The Local Government Pension Fund is is run by West Sussex County Council as the "administering authority". 

A spokeswoman for West Sussex Council said: "The pension committee determines an investment strategy, based on detailed advice, which is consulted on with employers, members, and other interested parties.

"The portfolios have no exposure to controversial weapons or arms manufacturers selling directly to Israel and does not include those companies considered by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to be supporting Israeli settlements impacting the Palestinian people.

"More information on the approach can be found in our Investment Strategy Statement (westsussex.gov.uk).

"The investments held by the Pension Fund are for the beneficiaries of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which the county council administers, and are not West Sussex County Council investments.

"The West Sussex LGPS is administered on behalf of more than 203 contributing employers covering more than 87,000 people locally and the primary duty of the Pensions Committee in relation to the fund is to be able to pay, from the fund, the pensions of those employees of the council and all the other employers who participate in the fund."

The group is calling for 150 people to help wrap the fabric.

They said: "We need as many people to help us as possible, as it will be a strong visual demonstration to Worthing council on the day of their full council meeting."