Two former police officers have had their convictions for assaulting a man they had detained overturned.

Former Sussex Police PCs Daniel Lott and Daniel Groves had been convicted of common assault against the man as he was being transported to custody in Bognor in May 2022.

The force previously said that the incident involved the inappropriate use of Pava spray.

Both officers, who were based at Bognor, were sentenced to a community order to complete 130 hours of unpaid work, with a victim surcharge of £95 and court costs of £500.

After the conviction at Brighton Magistrates’ Court, the two officers were subsequently dismissed from Sussex Police at a misconduct hearing.

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But now their appeal at Hove Crown Court has been upheld and their convictions have been quashed.

A Sussex Police spokesman said: “The matter originally referred to an incident in Bognor on May 29, 2022, while both men were transporting an arrested man to custody as part of their duties.

“The Crown Prosecution Service authorised charges of common assault and at a trial at Brighton Magistrates’ Court on May 15, 2023, they were found guilty.

“Following a sentencing hearing on July 19, 2023, they were subsequently dismissed from Sussex Police during an accelerated misconduct hearing held under Police Conduct Regulations.

“Both men challenged the conviction in the crown court and those appeals were upheld, which means the convictions no longer stand.

“The force respects the decision and will now take full account of the observations made in court.”