A charity has submitted a planning application for a “first of its kind” sculpture commemorating the deaths of homeless people in Brighton.

Making It Out is a Brighton based charity which supports people who are moving on from prison, homelessness or addiction. The charity has raised over £14,000 via the Crowdfunder website for the creation and installation of an abstract sculpture commemorating the deaths of homeless people.

The charity has applied to Brighton and Hove City Council to install the sculpture in the grounds of Brighthelm church in North Road. The application is at the consultation stage.

The crowdfunding page reads: “People who lose their lives whilst homeless often have no funeral or remembrance service and there is usually no record of their lives or site at which people can remember them.

“Over the past two years we have worked directly with people who are homeless or have been recently, to ensure their ideas and opinions are part of the artwork.” 

The design for the sculpture feature a stainless-steel framework of a tree growing out of the abstracted form of a hunched figure, made from stacked blocks of recycled concrete.