Malcolm Donaldson, storyteller and husband of renowned author Julia Donaldson, has died at the age of 75.

Malcolm was an avid supporter of his wife’s bestselling children’s stories, starring in performances of The Gruffalo among others, which, coupled with his important work in hospitals, earned him the title of Doctor Gruffalo.

He began his career as a paediatric consultant, working in hospitals in Brighton, London and Bristol. He also worked as a senior lecturer in child health at Glasgow University before retiring in 2012.

During his time as an academic, he wrote or contributed to more than 180 academic publications.

He received awards for his work including being named the ESPE Outstanding Clinician in 2015 and winning the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes James Tanner Medal in 2023.

The Donaldsons moved to Steyning in 2014, where they immersed themselves in the community. In their first year in the town, they took part in the biennial Steyning Festival.

They visited Chestnut Tree House hospice in Arundel in 2023. 

Malcolm’s funeral will be held at the parish church of St Andrews and St Cuthman in Steyning on October 13 at 2pm.

Caroline Sheldon, Julia’s literary agent at RCW Literary Agency, said: “Malcolm Donaldson was a giant of a man both in his outstanding career as a consultant paediatrician (often called Dr Gruffalo) and in the excellence, energy and relish he brought to working with his beloved wife Julia Donaldson to bring her books to children through drama, song and performance.

 “Building on times spent busking in France as a young medical student in the 60s, he became the player-manager behind the musical theatrical shows – The Gruffalo, The Witch And The Warthog among others – featuring the work of his wife and the illustrators of the books. Standards were of the highest – performance, costumes and set – and, with Malcolm there, after a gruelling day of work, that final sound check would never be overlooked.

“Children were never patronised and story and books were brought alive in a magical way. But above all Malcolm with Julia brought people in different branches of the book industry together in joyous communities in the UK and overseas.

"He will be hugely missed by his many friends in the book world who spent fun-filled hours with him and will never be forgotten by those of us who were lucky enough to know him.”

Julia’s illustrator Axel Scheffler said: “‘I have known Malcolm for 30 years and always admired his enthusiasm for our books, Julia’s work and children’s books in general.

"All this beside being a paediatric consultant and giving lectures all over the world. The almost symbiotic loving relationship with Julia has always impressed me.

"His true passion was performing with Julia on stage, playing the guitar and acting – especially his legendary suave role of the Fox in The Gruffalo.

"I’ll always remember, amongst many other events, our German tours with Malcolm proudly wearing the tour T-shirt.

"He will be deeply missed – and not only as somebody who would choose the wine and with whom I could share an after-dinner cheese plate."

Malcolm died on September 22.