Plans have been submitted for a former casino to be turned into tea rooms.

An empty lot in Ann Street, previously home to Ann Street Casino, could be filled by a tea room and gift shop in Worthing town centre.

An application to Adur and Worthing Councils was submitted by Finola Brady Architectural Services, which reads: “The proposed change of use is to a licensed tea room and gift shop.

“The sale of alcohol will only be with food, for consumption on the premises, so the building is not primarily a drinking establishment.

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“The licensed café is in effect a restaurant.”

No changes to the building, which is described as “end-of-terrace late-Victorian ”, have been proposed as part of the application.

Documents state that the building was originally a pair of shops and that the property retains its original design.

The application was submitted yesterday, September 25, and is due to be decided by November 20.