Two sisters stole thousands of pounds worth of perfume and cosmetics to fund their lavish lifestyle and plastic surgery.

Georgina and Laura Epitropou, aged 42 and 45 respectively, targeted duty-free stores at Gatwick Airport and made off with £80,000 worth of stock during a ten-month period.

They booked internal UK flights in order to carry out their thefts.

But they were caught on CCTV and were stopped by police while boarding a flight from Gatwick to Belfast.

At Lewes Crown Court on September 24 they were jailed for two and a half years each.

Georgina, of Grattons Drive, Crawley, admitted conspiracy to steal items between November 2021 and September 2022.

Laura, of The Boulevard, Crawley, admitted the same charge, and a further charge of acquiring criminal property.

The court was told how at first one sister would attend the airport and book internal flights.

But later both sisters became involved.

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While one sister would distract a staff member, the other would fill an empty suitcase with stolen goods.

Messages between the pair showed that, on one occasion, they stole 73 items worth almost £8,000. 

They were arrested and an investigation by Gatwick CID found they had made 22 internal flights during the ten-month period.

PC Michelle Robinson said: “The Epitropou sisters targeted high-value perfumes and cosmetic products for their own financial greed.

“We worked in partnership with our colleagues at the airport to build a strong case against the sisters.

“Business crime and shop thefts have a considerable impact on victims including shop workers, so we were determined to catch these offenders.

“It demonstrates that we take these reports seriously and will work hard to ensure that offenders are prosecuted.”

Daniel Cummins from the Crown Prosecution Service said: “Despite claiming that they were in debt when they were arrested, it was clear that both sisters were living beyond their means and using these thefts to fund their lavish lifestyles, which included cosmetic surgery.

“They were stealing to order, putting significant planning into these thefts, deciding how many items to take and even lowering that number after Laura was arrested by Police Scotland with stolen goods in her possession.

“The women sold the stolen products at around half the price they retailed for, making thousands in the process through online marketplaces and sales to individuals.”