On-street parking charges are to be frozen at current levels in a part of Sussex.

West Sussex County Council was considering raising prices but eventually decided against it.

Councillor Joy Dennis, West Sussex County Council cabinet member for highways and transport, was presented with three options to consider as part of the annual review.

Read more: Woman's parking permit nightmare after computer fails to recognise her name

The three options were:

  • To increase all the charges by 5.2 per cent, in line with the retail price index (as of December 2023).
  • A mix of Retail Price Index increases and “demand management” to try to free up on-street parking spaces where they are in greatest demand.
  • To freeze parking charges.

“I hope this decision will be welcome news,” said Cllr Dennis.

 “It aims to help both West Sussex residents, businesses and visitors to the county in what continues to be a financially challenging time.

“We hope that this will help people who would otherwise struggle to meet increased on-street parking fees and, in turn, support town centre businesses, in line with our council plan priority of supporting a sustainable and prosperous economy across the county.”