A motorhome that parked in Brighton’s Regency Square three times in little over a month has been slammed by the council.

Residents were up in arms when the motorhome took over part of the historic seaside square in front of the Brighton i360, setting out deckchairs in the middle of the communal space.

Brighton and Hove City Council said that the driver should be in "absolutely no doubt that it was not appropriate to return for a third time".

The motorhome first parked just there on August 10, sparking fury from residents until it was moved on three days later.

The van then returned at the end of August, parking in the same spot as council officials scrambled to remove it.

An image from the first time the motorhome parked on Regency Square (Image: Submitted)

The council issued an enforcement notice to move on the vehicle on August 29 and it was driven away - but returned on Saturday afternoon.

Councillor Trevor Muten, cabinet member for transport, parking and public realm, said: “This driver is aware they are not meant to park here and has previously been served with an enforcement notice to leave, so should be in absolutely no doubt that it was not appropriate to return for a third time.

The motorhome then returned at the end of August (Image: Supplied) “We are now liaising with Sussex Police to identify the vehicle’s owner so further action can be taken to prevent them coming back and parking on Regency Square again.

“This is not a suitable place to park and the fact this person continues to do so is understandably incredibly frustrating for residents. We are working closely with the police to take action, but would also urge the vehicle owner not to continue flaunting restrictions.”

The motorhome has since left the green.