A teenage girl told a court how the youngest son of boxing champion Chris Eubank dragged her over a beach when she was too drunk to stand and raped her.

Joseph Eubank is on trial at Lewes Crown Court accused of raping the girl, then aged 16, on Brighton beach.

The 27-year-old admits having sex with the teenager but denies two counts of rape.

In a video recorded interview, the teenager said she was too drunk to stand when he led her over the stone beach.

She told police Eubank helped her up when she fell at least two or three times before sitting down next to her.

"I was very drunk,” she said.

"I couldn't see straight.

"I couldn't stand up.

"I kept falling down on the stones, because I couldn't stand up really.

"I hadn't drunk like that, like ever."

The young woman, who cannot be name for legal reasons, had been celebrating a birthday with friends on July 16, 2022, when she became separated from them.

She told police she was dragged over the stones near the Palace Pier after a brief conversation with Eubank.

"The only thing he asked was how old I was,” she said.

"I told him I was 16.

"I asked him how old he was and he said 26 and that was the only thing he said to me.

"I think maybe he might have said something else to me when we were at the top of the stairs.

"He said about going to look at the moon which was prominent.

"It was orange.

"Then he led me down the stairs.”

Read more: Man charged with rape after incident outside shop

She told police he aggressively grabbed her by the wrist and led her across the pebble beach before raping her.

The woman said she was in tears when her friends found her just after midnight.

"I got back up and walked back towards the steps,” she said.

"I was crying a lot.

"I was processing what had happened.

"I think I said something like, there was a lot of people there, some guy took me down to the bottom of the beach and I think he raped me.

"I was just crying after that for about half an hour probably.”

Beverly Cripps, prosecuting, told the jury: "The sexual activity is admitted by Mr Eubank.

"The issue in the case that you are going to have to resolve is consent.

"The Crown say she was vulnerable because of her age and drunken condition.

"She was heavily intoxicated but not so that she was unconscious but was drifting in and out and has a dim appreciation of what was happening to her.

"Mr Eubank says she did consent and was able to do so.

"He took her down to the beach, towards the bottom of the groyne near to the sea.

"On the way she had stumbled more than once, but he pulled her up taking her further down the beach.

"When she fell for the final time, he sat beside her."

This is when the two alleged rapes, which include oral rape, are said to have happened, the court heard.

The day after the alleged attack, when the woman checked her phone, she found a message from an unknown number.

Ms Cripps said: "She saw a message 'Hey pup are you ready for round two?'.

"She was immediately scared, deleted the message and blocked the number.

"She said she told her mother about two months later and she had pushed it away in her mind.

"As the investigation progressed, she brought it to police attention."

Eubank, who will turn 28 next month, was arrested soon afterwards and charged with two counts of raping a girl under the age of 18.

He denies the charges.

The trial at Lewes Crown Court continues.