Plans to knock down nine garages deemed "too small for modern vehicles" and build homes in their place have been submitted.

Brian Klassen wants to build five new homes in place of the garages and "overgrown unused land" in the private road Dane Close in Seaford.

Neighbouring properties in the street have seafront views and front gardens adjacent to the Esplanade.

Mr Klassen, who lives in nearby Dane Road, wants to replace the nine garages, which he said are "too small for modern-day vehicle size" with the homes which would be "in the same design as adjacent houses".

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All of the houses would have three bedrooms.

In the plans, Mr Klassen said: "The scale is in keeping with adjacent existing buildings on east and west of the proposed site. The size of the new dwellings is in proportion to the site with ample space for gardens.  

"A comprehensive garden design will be installed, fencing to match adjacent gardens and a three-metre-wide parcel of land across all five gardens next to the Esplanade with wildlife pond feed from new houses roofs and seaside plants."

He has applied to Lewes District Council for outline planning permission.

If approved, he can then apply for reserved matters and provide more detail of the plans.