A predator who raped a 13-year-old after grooming him on social media has been jailed for the “utterly appalling” attack.

Thomas Crabtree contacted the boy on Snapchat, using the name Will, and repeatedly sent him sexually explicit images.

He demanded to meet up with the boy, who eventually agreed.

Crabtree drove from his home in Bedford to Worthing to pick the teenager up from his home in the middle of the night on April 3, 2024.

The 35-year-old, of Sundew Close in Bedford, drove the boy to a remote area near Goring Gap in Worthing and raped him.

Crabtree then drove the boy around in his car in silence, before dropping him off in Worthing and returning to Bedford.

The victim was subjected to an ordeal lasting several hours.

Read more: Paedophile sexually abused young girls

Snapchat data showed Crabtree blocked the victim and deleted all the messages between them, before attempting to make contact again the following month.

The victim reported the attack to police and he and his family were given specialist support that continued throughout the court process.

Crabtree was identified through the Snapchat account and arrested.

He was subsequently charged with two charges of rape; assault by penetration; causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity; sexual communication with a child; causing a child to watch a sexual act; meeting a child following sexual grooming; and abducting a child.

He pleaded guilty to all counts and was remanded in custody when he appeared at Hove Crown Court on Wednesday, July 10.

At Lewes Crown Court on September 12, he was sentenced to serve ten years in prison, followed by six years on licence.

He will also be placed on the Sex Offenders' Register for life.

Detective Chief Inspector Carrie Williams said: “Thomas Crabtree is a predator who, thanks to the bravery of this young boy, is now safely behind bars.

“He manipulated and took advantage of the boy, who suffered an unimaginable ordeal over several  hours. The boy was incredibly courageous in helping bring his attacker to justice and ensure he poses no further risk to anyone.

“I would like to thank him and his family for their determination.

 “I would like to thank our partners in Bedfordshire Police and Norfolk Constabulary for their support in bringing Crabtree into custody.

“If you are a victim of sexual offending, please report it to police online or via 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency. We will believe you, support you and do all we can you get you justice.”

Victoria Gedge, from the Crown Prosecution Service South East, said: “Crabtree carefully planned this utterly appalling attack on a vulnerable young victim, targeting him and grooming him online, before persuading him to meet up and then subjecting him to a horrific and prolonged ordeal, lasting hours.

"None of us can imagine the sheer terror that the victim was subjected to during those hours, but thanks to the fact that he told his parents what had happened to him, we have been able to bring Crabtree to justice for his horrendous crime.”