A council will be hosting drop-in sessions for residents who need help and guidance on employment.

Wealden District Council has been working in partnership with the Job Centre Plus Eastbourne to bring the sessions to residents.

Job Centre Plus staff will be available in the council offices in Vicarage Field, Hailsham, every Monday and Thursday from 9am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 3pm.

Residents can book an appointment with their employment adviser or walk in for general career advice.

This initiative is in a bid to help Wealden residents who would have had to travel long distances, often by public transport, to attend employment meetings and receive career advice from their appointed Job Centre Plus employment adviser.

Councillor Rachel Millward, leader of the council, said: “As Hailsham is an area of relatively high deprivation, health inequalities and has the largest density of claimants of Universal Credit within the district, the outreach service began in this area. It enables the Job Centre Plus to provide services to our residents which otherwise may not have been available.”