An 18-year-old has pleaded guilty to shouting religious abuse from the top of a phone box during Pride weekend.

Max Ritchings, of Haywards Heath, appeared at Lewes Crown Court charged with causing religiously aggravated harassment, alarm or distress by shouting words aimed at Muslims.

The offence took place in Madeira Drive, near the Palace Pier, during Brighton Pride weekend on August 4 and amid the civil unrest across the country.

Ritchings also pleaded guilty to inciting violence by making posts on social media that encouraged arson towards Muslim religious buildings.

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Nicholas Hamblin, defending, said that the period of custody served by Ritchings ahead of the court hearing had been a “short, sharp shock” for him and he had written a letter to the judge to apologise for his actions.

He said Ritchings had handed himself in to police when he heard they had called at his home looking for him.

Judge Christine Laing KC adjourned the case against the vape shop worker for a pre-sentence report and released him on bail until the sentencing date on October 18.

She told him: “You must understand that even if it is a good report and I am giving you bail, it doesn’t mean you aren’t going back to prison.

“Even you must realise how serious the offences are and how seriously they are being viewed by the courts and custody is the likely result.”