Plans to raze a home to make way for a block of luxury flats are set to go before the council.

The huge plot, overlooking Hove Park, could soon be home to several families under new plans set out by developers Southern Rock Property.

While landowners have not earmarked any of the flats for affordable housing use, they have set aside £260,700 in Section 106 funds for Brighton and Hove City Council to use.

The proposed block would sit at 21 Goldstone Crescent, adjacent to the playground in Hove Park.

The current building is a large, brown-brick detached house with a garage underneath. Developers Southern Rock described the home as "boxy and disjointed."

They suggest that, compared to its more modern neighbours, the current home is of low architectural quality.

Under these plans, the house will be demolished and replaced with a modern block - consisting of three two-bedroom flats and four three-bedroom flats.

Planning consultants Lewis and Co said: "The proposed plans show that the flats will provide spacious, well-arranged living accommodation of a particularly high standard. As the flats run from front to back of the building, they will each be double or triple aspect."