Plans to build a solar farm have been submitted.

The application – a joint venture between The Langmead Group and BNRG – seeks permission to set up 33 hectares of solar panels on land next to Lime Kiln Barn, in Runcton, near Chichester.

If approved, the 30MW set-up would generate enough energy to power 9,000 homes for one year, while reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions by more than 6,500 tonnes per year.

It would be split into two parts across a 49 hectare site of arable land east of Runcton Lane, with 16 hectares in between them.

The panels would be elevated approximately 60cm above the ground at the front with a maximum overall height of around 3m at the back.

Chichester District Council has received a number of objections to the plans.

Concerns raised included the disruption during the 12-18-month construction of the solar farm, the loss of arable land, and the impact of two such large sites on wildlife.

One objector said the applicant wanted to turn the land into ‘money-making bacofoil covered fields’.

Plans for a solar farm near ChichesterPlans for a solar farm near Chichester Regarding the traffic concerns, the applicant said: “Construction traffic will be kept to a practicable minimum with projected HGV movements to be c8-12 HGVs per week – which is similar to those already experienced as part of the permitted use, during harvest season.”

A design statement submitted with the application added: “The proposal has a design life of 40 years.

“It is a temporary use of the land, and all parts of the installation are reversible.

“It is anticipated that the quality of the soil and biodiversity content would be significantly improved over the current status.”

To view the application, log on to and search for 24/01859/FUL