A pair of kittens were found dumped in a sealed basket in a park.

The kittens, thought to be around 12 weeks old, were found in a cat basket in Vale Park, Portslade, and handed in to a vet nearby by a resident.

After a thorough check over and a night at the vets, the pair were then transferred into the care of Wadars animal rescue in Worthing.

READ MORE: Almost 200 animals rescued over bank holiday weekend

Wadars operations manager Tracy Cadman said: “It makes me incredibly angry when people dump animals like this. Apparently, the basket had tape around it to keep it closed so there was absolutely no way that the kittens got there by themselves.

“Despite their ordeal, both kittens appear to be in good health, and whilst they are understandably quite nervous at the moment and are under close observation, they will eventually be looking for new homes.”

Wadars is currently caring for more than 30 cats and kittens at its rehoming centre with another 20 more waiting to be taken in.

Since the start of the year the charity has been asked to take in almost 200 cats, many because their owners could no longer afford to look after them.