A cash-strapped council said vandals who set fire to playground equipment are costing taxpayers thousands of pounds.

Council officers and the police are appealing for information about those responsible for a blaze in Shinewater Park, Eastbourne, over the weekend.

They said thousands of pounds of damage have been caused to the equipment including a picnic bench which was destroyed.

A source close to Eastbourne Borough Council fears there may not be the funds to replace it.

Read more: Safety advice issued to residents as blaze enters fifth day

Councillor Colin Swansborough, cabinet member for community spaces, said: "Whoever carried this vandalism out needs to be identified, put before the court and severely punished.

“The damage runs into thousands of pounds and sadly it is local people who use this play area who will suffer most.

“If anyone has information about this crime, they should call 101 immediately.  We need the community to help us find these despicable offenders.”

Anyone with information about the vandalism has been told to call 101.