A bluefin tuna has been caught for the first time in the county.

Steve Green, skipper of Brigand Charters, boated the first Sussex bluefin tuna yesterday, August 28, aboard the ‘Proteus of Brighton’.

Charlie Turner, who joined the crew for his 21st birthday as a present from his dad, Dennis, battled with the 350lb fish for 35 minutes before it was recovered.

The fish is believed to weigh between 350 and 374 lbThe fish is believed to weigh between 350 and 375 lb (Image: Brigand Charters)

Steve, who is the only skipper operating out of Sussex with a permit to target bluefin tuna, said: “I'm absolutely thrilled to have achieved our goal of being the first boat to successfully land a bluefin tuna in Sussex.

“A huge amount of time and effort has gone into this project and I am very grateful for the guidance and support of all that have contributed to this success.

“This is only the start of our bluefin tuna season which will run until December 31.

"We will be offering both whole boat and individual charters throughout the year with all equipment and expert support provided so if you would like an opportunity to catch the fish of a lifetime you can book by contacting us via our website.”

Brigand Charters is a catch-and-release fishery which is strictly controlled by the Marine Management Organisation.