A bonfire society has issued a plea for volunteers as its annual event faces cancellation.

Littlehampton Bonfire Society said it desperately needs marshals to run the event this year.

Last year, Littlehampton Town Council pulled their funding of the event, which is described as the biggest celebration in the county outside of Lewes.

The council said its budget is too thinly stretched to accommodate the costs – but organisers of the event said the bonfire is a “splash of colour in a long dark winter” and should be saved.

The event has been running for 70 yearsThe event has been running for 70 years (Image: Littlehampton Bonfire Society)

A post shared on Facebook reads: “We are just nine weeks away until the Littlehampton Bonfire Night 2024 and we are still lacking marshals.

“We need 30+ more for our event to go ahead. If we do not get these marshals, then the event will be cancelled.

“If you are able to help us out or know someone who can help out who are aged 16+ and is free on Saturday 26th October from 6pm until 10.30pm please email secretary@littlehamptonbonfiresociety.co.uk including your name, email address and phone number.

"We don’t want to cancel.”

Littlehampton Bonfire has been running for over 70 years and attracts thousands of visitors to the town each year, its organisers said.