A little black kitten who loves playing with his toys is looking for a forever home.

Bono, who is aged between eight and ten months, is in the care of the Worthing Cat Welfare Trust.

Staff at the centre said that although he is timid he is a sweet kitten who loves to play.

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His future owner will need to be patient and encourage him to gain confidence.

You can find out more about him at https://www.worthingcatwelfaretrust.org/cats-available-now/.

A spokesman for the trust said: "While he is very timid and shy at the moment he has a sweet nature and he loves to play with his toys. 

"He will need an owner who is able to give him the time and patience to encourage him to come out of himself and gain confidence.

"Bono could possibly, with careful introduction, live with another calm friendly cat but definitely no dogs and no young children. He will need access to a garden."