Residents were left in fear after two men terrorised several towns by smashing windows, damaging property and setting fire to a car.

On August 8, 2023, at around 10.30pm, Michael Rodgers and Kiarash Majidi began their crime spree when they approached a property in Castle Hill Road, Hastings, and smashed the windows before quickly moving on to another property to target.

Around two hours later, the pair approached a second property in Hastings, and launched stones at the windows of a house in Priory Road, causing them to smash.

Less than a week later, on August 14, 2023, the pair targeted further properties, as well as a vehicle, firstly smashing windows in Chiltern Drive in Hastings at around 10pm, before moving on to Linton Road in Hastings where they were involved in setting a car on fire.

They then struck again less than an hour later when they smashed windows at a property in Lower Park Road, Hastings.

Within the next couple of hours, Rodgers approached properties in both Boyne Road, Hastings, and Pottingfield Road in Rye and caused similar damage.

At around 12.45am on August 16, 2023, a property and vehicle in The Rookery, Eastbourne, were both targeted by Rodgers and Majidi, leaving the windows smashed.

Over the next hour, the pair had smashed the windows of a car in Radcliffe Close, St Leonards, and the windows of a property in Bembrook Road, Hastings.

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The crime spree came to an end on August 25, 2023, when the pair entered the alleyway beside a property in Sedlescombe Road South, St Leonards, at around 1am.

Rodgers and Majidi attempted to force entry to a gate at the rear of the property, but the disturbance alerted a resident, who immediately called police and provided a clear description of the men involved and of their getaway vehicle.

The pair went on to slash a swimming pool in the garden of the property, causing the basement to flood, and then used weapons to smash glass panes on the front door before driving away.

Searches were undertaken in the local area which led to a vehicle being stopped that matched the description on the victim’s report.

Upon searching the vehicle, a crowbar, axe handle and jerry can of petrol were all found inside, along with wet clothes.

Rodgers and Majidi, who were found travelling in the car, were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage, and taken to custody. They were then bailed with strict conditions while further enquiries were undertaken.

On October 31, 2023, with new evidence and video footage of the crimes obtained from Majidi and Rodgers phones, the men were further arrested and charged the following day.

Rodgers, 36, of Battle Road in St Leonards, was charged with ten counts of criminal damage and one count of arson with recklessness.

Majidi, 37, of Grand Parade in St Leonards, was charged with eight counts of criminal damage, and one count of arson with recklessness.

The men were remanded in custody from court, but released two weeks later after they submitted bail applications.

On June 10, both Rodgers and Majidi pleaded guilty to all criminal damage charges, and guilty pleas of arson, rather than arson with recklessness, were entered and accepted.

At Lewes Crown Court on July 27, Majidi was sentenced to three years and four months imprisonment.

On August 9, Rodgers was sentenced at Brighton Crown Court to two years and four months imprisonment.

Detective Sergeant Jason Tuck said: "These two men terrorised communities across East Sussex, causing senseless damage to numerous properties and vehicles.

"Their actions had a profound impact on the victims, stripping them of their sense of safety and security.

"Rodgers' and Majidi's behaviour didn’t just harm the direct victims, it instilled fear throughout the wider community.

"With their sentencing, we hope this outcome sends a strong and unambiguous message, criminal behaviour will not be tolerated by Sussex Police.

"Our top priority remains the safety and security of all residents, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that those who threaten it are brought to justice."