A "pungent" sewage smell has been plaguing an area of Sussex.

In March, The Argus reported on sewage flowing through the streets of the town as heavy rainfall caused Southern Water's pipes to have drainage issues.

Residents at the time complained to Southern Water as their streets and gardens flowed with sewage and filled the town with a strong smell. Now, the sewage odour is back.

Ayesha Street, a mother who has lived in Southwick for six years, said: ”The smell is absolutely rancid. I have to keep my windows shut and even then it’s not enough to keep the smell out.

“I have a newborn baby and I need to allow fresh air to circulate the flat but I can’t now as there is a constant sewage odour.

“I’ve been in contact with the council, who say that it has to do with Southern Water and not them, and when I do contact Southern Water they just never get back to me.

Travellers on public transport have reported smelling sewage as soon as they enter the Southwick area (Image: Ramy Abou-Setta / The Argus)

“My children don’t want to play outside and our home honestly smells of poo now. I even went out the other day to take my bins out and I had to run back in, that’s how foul the smell in the town really is.

“And all of this is happening and we have no idea when it will end.”

According to residents the smell has taken over the town and is not confined to Albion Street.

Jacqui Peachey, a long-time resident near Southwick Green, said: “Honestly, the smell is absolutely horrid. We had it for a few weeks earlier this year when the streets were filled with sewage and absolutely stunk out the town, and it’s the same smell again.

“It doesn’t help that we are in the summer so the heat makes the smell even more pungent. Honestly, I hate to be outside my home at this point. You smell it on public transport too when you cross a certain line past Fishergate.

Locks Court sits on the corner of Albion Street in Southwick  (Image: Ramy Abou-Setta / The Argus)

“I was on the bus the other day coming down in the town and some of the passengers started complaining about the smell as soon as we got to Southwick. It’s honestly so poor and should be dealt with properly, it’s not fair on the people who live here and kids who just want to enjoy their summer."

Simone Hellyer, a spokeswoman for Adur and Worthing Councils, said: “We received complaints about an odour in the Southwick area earlier this month. We believe these have arisen from issues with the Albion Street pumping station on the A259.

“We are aware that Southern Water has been on site trying to rectify an issue. We have replied to the residents that have contacted us about the odour.”

'It’s not fair on the people that live here and kids who just want to enjoy their summer' - Southwick Green  (Image: Ramy Abou-Setta / The Argus)

Southern Water has said that it is clearing the blockage which is causing the issue.

A spokesperson said: “We’re sorry customers in Southwick have been impacted by odours near Albion Street in Southwick.  

 “Our teams are currently working to clear a blockage which is causing issues in our network. We’re bringing in extra equipment on Wednesday to assist in this work. 

“We’re sorry for the impact this is having and we’re working hard to rectify the issue and will keep local stakeholders informed of our progress.”