Residents and a councillor have slammed Southern Water's “botched” repair of a zebra crossing.

Photographs show the shoddily fixed crossing in Vernon Terrace, Brighton, which appears to have been partly patched and repainted.

A portion of the road had to be closed for several days while work was carried out to fix a leak.

Councillor Jacob Taylor, deputy leader of Brighton and Hove City Council, blasted the repair describing it as "awful" and said the council will ask the water company to sort out its slap-dash efforts.

“This work was carried out by Southern Water and not the council," he said.

“Southern Water had been working on the road to repair a leak and while technically it is only responsible for repainting the area it had to dig up, clearly this looks absolutely awful.

“We are working incredibly hard to improve the look and feel of the city and expect others working on our roads to share our commitment so will be asking Southern Water to repaint the entire crossing as soon as possible.” 

Part of the road was closed for several days while the work was carried outPart of the road was closed for several days while the work was carried out (Image: Sussex News and Pictures)

Residents have lambasted the repair and raised concerns the crossing will soon need fixing again because of the poor job.

One resident, who lives in Montpelier Crescent, said: “For me it’s a missed opportunity to fix the crossing for the long term. From a driving perspective it feels like there is potential for the same issue to reoccur.

“For the time spent working on it and the disruption it caused residents and drivers it doesn’t feel like enough has been done to fix it.”

Another resident said Southern Water had made a mess of the repair.

“I went over it before it was done and it felt like my car was sinking into the road, scraped my front bumper and all,” he said.

“But they re-patched it then dug it all up again and then botched it completely.”

A spokesman for Southern Water said: “We’re sorry our reinstatement work of the road including the zebra crossing at Vernon Terrace was not to the standard our customers and stakeholders rightly expect of us. 

“We will be investigating how this has happened and rectifying this issue as soon as we can.”