There are fears a new pizza takeaway in a village struggling with antisocial behaviour will attract more “feral” youths.

Plans for pizza chain Domino’s to move into the vacant premises adjacent to 28 Barnham Road, Barnham, have been given the green light by Arun District Council despite concerns from residents.

Parking for ten cars will be created on the site by removing the rear part of the building, extraction and ventilation equipment will be installed and external alterations including a new roof and new shopfront will be made.

The land and outbuildings used to be associated with the former pub at 28, Barnham Road, which closed in 2013 and later became a Tesco Express.

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They were used by several independent businesses including a pet shop and an auction centre but have been empty since the closure of the pub, a planning statement said.

Planning documents said the new takeaway would “reuse a neglected building” and improve the “vitality” of Barnham Road and the surrounding area.

This is where the Domino's restaurant will beThis is where the Domino's restaurant will be (Image: Google Maps) “The site as a whole is neglected and the outbuildings are in a state of disrepair,” documents said.

“The premises does not provide an active frontage or contribute positively to the street scene as it stands.”

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The application said the business, which plans to operate between 11am and 11pm, will provide up to 25 jobs, ten full time and 15 full time.

They said the part demolition will improve the “visual amenity” of the site which has “begun to enter a derelict state”.

But several residents objected to the plans with concerns over how the new takeaway will affect the ongoing antisocial behaviour problem in the village.

In April, The Argus reported that a private security firm was brought in to patrol Barnham because of “feral children” ransacking shops and trespassing on railway lines.

Businesses said youths steal alcohol from Tesco Express and the Co-op near the railway station and then get “very aggressive”.

Police have had to issue several dispersal orders to tackle “lawless” behaviour.

Sophie Mccallum, of Saxby Close, said: “There are already too many takeaways in Barnham including pizza. The antisocial behaviour is out of control. Late openings will only attract more.”

J Bickley, another resident of Saxby Close, said: “Barnham has been suffering from terrible antisocial behaviour recently and its shop workers and residents have to endure threats and intimidation on a regular basis. The proposed food outlet can only add to attracting these extremely unpleasant youths to the area.”

Read more: Security guards patrolling Barnham due to 'feral children'

Fellow Saxby Close resident SJ Leath said: “There has been a significant rise in antisocial behaviour and crime in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development. This is having a devastating impact on the local community.

“Residents, retailers and shopworkers have been, and continue to be, subjected to harassment and acts of violence.”

Marie Thompson, of Elm Grove South, said: “There is an ongoing problem in the village with antisocial behaviour and another late-night takeaway will only make this worse, let alone more problems for residents near the development with noise and potential littering.”

Other concerns centred around the possible increase in traffic and the amount of takeaways the village already has.

Domino's has been contacted for comment.