A bar has announced its closure after a downturn in customer numbers.

The Clockhouse Bar in East Preston, near Littlehampton, has closed its doors for one last time with owners saying they "tried their very best"

A heartfelt poem has been posted on the outside of the building thanking punters for their custom.

It said:

There was once a place called East Preston,


That we decided to invest in,


The Clockhouse Bar became our dream,


And soon we had a wonderful team,


Lovely regulars came, you know who you are,


Some living close, some from afar,


It's sad to say but there were not enough,


Buying beer or wine or other stuff,


So, although we tried our very best,


It wasn't good enough we guess,


Unfortunately, there is now a big hole,


Instead of East Preston's Heart and Soul.


The business, which has been there for more than 15 years, struggled despite having regular customers.