Proposals for a development of new homes have been redesigned following public criticism.

Untold Living, developer and operator of Integrated Retirement Communities (IRCs), has redesigned its plans for a site in Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne, after consultations with Eastbourne Borough Council.

The development in Martinique Way, which will house people aged 75 and over, will now have nine fewer apartments and will be one storey lower in height.

The proposed façade will be more in keeping with Eastbourne’s proud maritime history than the previous design put forward.

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It will have an underground parking facility to avoid any impact on nearby street parking. 

Untold Living has said the development will provide between 30 and 50 jobs and will increase spending in the local economy.  

The homes will free up more than 100 family-sized properties in the area.

What the plans used to look like (Image: Untold Living) Untold Living said the development will take pressure off local health services, as the housing-with-care model has been proven to reduce falls and GP visits.

Russell Jewell, CEO at Untold Living, said: “As confirmed by empirical studies, the UK has a severe lack of age-appropriate housing.

What the plans look like now (Image: Untold Living)

"We believe that retirement communities, like the proposed development in Sovereign Harbour, have a key role to play in reducing strain on the NHS, helping to ease the housing crisis, and ensuring as many people as possible can access the types of housing that suit them best in later life. 

“As Untold Living will be operating the Sovereign Harbour retirement community in the long-term, it was of paramount importance for us to have an open dialogue with local residents and Eastbourne Council to ensure we take on board any concerns they may have. 

“We’re pleased to report that our new design addresses the key concerns around size, height, traffic, and impact on the local area.

"We intend to be the best neighbours we can be and look forward to continuing to engage constructively with all local stakeholders.”