A gang of youths robbed lifeguards and took off on their quad bike.

The RNLI said Sussex Police are investigating after its quad bike was stolen from Littlehampton Beach earlier this week.

Thousands of people descended on Littlehampton's pebble beach on Monday to soak up the sun and make the most of the scorching weather - with temperatures soaring to 26 degrees.

Lifeguards kept watch over people entering the sea to cool off and patrolled the beach on their red all-terrain quad bike which carries lifesaving equipment.

But when they were packing up for the day, at around 6pm, a group approached the lifeguards, took the keys to the quad bike and left with it.

Pictures show the bike being ridden by what appears to be two teenage boys into a wooded area.

It was later recovered in nearby Mewsbrook Park and returned to the RNLI, which is now inspecting it for any damage.

Sussex Police has been approached for comment.