An arrest warrant has been issued for Katie Price after she failed to attend a hearing relating to her bankruptcies.

Insolvency and Companies Court Judge Catherine Burton said Price had received “very clear warnings” that she must attend the hearing on Tuesday.

The Brighton born 46-year-old was due to face questions about her finances in the specialist bankruptcy court in London from barristers representing the trustee of her two bankruptcies.

A judge at a previous hearing said the former glamour model risked arrest if she did not attend further court dates, adding that evidence must be provided if she could not appear.

Issuing the arrest warrant, Judge Burton said that Price had “failed to attend today’s hearing” and had provided no explanation for her absence.

The judge said she was satisfied the paperwork warning of arrest was properly served by post, email and in person.

"She can have been in no doubt this hearing was going to take place," she said.

No application was made by Price to appear by video at the hearing and she was not represented in court.

Judge Burton said: "Since 2019, she has failed to cooperate and provide basic information and has now been made the subject of a second bankruptcy order.

"Despite clear warnings she has failed to attend or make any application to justify an adjournment.

“She has no real excuse in failing to attend today’s hearing.

 “The reason for her absence today is irrelevant.

"It is, in my judgement, necessary to issue a warrant for her arrest.”

The judge described medical information supplied by Price for earlier hearings as “inadequate”.

Price can be arrested without further notice, the court heard.

Darragh Connell, for Price’s creditors, said: "The last letter from trustees to Ms Price was July 23, 2024.

"It refers to correspondence with her representatives and was sent to various email addresses and a new residential address.

"It says the trustees would not oppose an application to appear remotely.

"Unfortunately, we've had no further communication from Ms Price.

"There are some newspaper articles indicating she does intend to go on holiday.

"We don't know what the position is.

"There is some reference to going to Turkey but we have no information.

"There have been multiple occasions when Ms Price has failed to attend. It was made clear to Ms Price she needed to attend. A very stern order was made and served on her personally.

"We have reached the end of the road on this matter."

The mother of five was declared bankrupt in November 2019 and again in March this year.

At a hearing in February, Price was ordered to pay 40 per cent of her monthly income from the adult entertainment website OnlyFans to the trustee for the next three years, in relation to her first bankruptcy.

She was then declared bankrupt for a second time in March due to an unpaid tax bill worth more than £750,000 owed to HM Revenue and Customs.

In October last year, Price said she was “fed up” with being threatened with legal action and would go to prison to be “done with it all”.

Last month, photographs showed Price’s Mucky Mansion in Dial Post, near Horsham, being repossessed by bailiffs.

Price failed to keep up with mortgage repayments for the property, which is currently valued at £2.5 million.

She has moved into a new home in Sussex, near Judy Parfitt who plays Sister Monica Joan in BBC's Call the Midwife.